What is planned giving?

Many Canadians want to leave a legacy, which they can do with planned giving. This allows you to donate to charity in a way that has the biggest impact. This type of donation is typically made in conjunction with estate planning through a will. To learn more about planned giving and why you should consider it, check out this infographic.

Planned giving

What is planned giving?

Planned giving is when you make a charitable gift today that will be given to the cause you support later, usually after your passing. A simple way to do this is to add this gift to your will.

How does it work?

Adding a charitable gift to your will is known as a bequest. You can specify a certain dollar amount or percentage of your estate.

What are the benefits of making a bequest?

  • You have the use of the money during your lifetime
  • It lowers the estate taxes
  • A bequest is revocable and if your financial situation changes, it can be amended

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