What should I consider when choosing guardians?

Considerations when choosing guardians

When completing your will, one of the hardest decisions can be choosing guardians for your children. This infographic covers the things you need to consider for making this big decision.

Age and physical ability

A lot of people want to choose their parents as guardians, but in 5, 10 or 15 years will your parents be able to care for your children?

Will they have the energy?

Does your child/​children require more care and attention due to special needs?


If you select someone that lives in a different city, province or country could you envision your children being raised there?

Would you want the guardian(s) to move into your house?

These are all things to consider and can be specified in your will.

Values and beliefs

Do they share the same values as you?

Are you religious and wish for certain ceremonies to be a part of your children’s lives?

You can also specify wishes in your will regarding this but it will be much easier if the chosen guardian(s) follows these as well.

Marital status

Are you choosing a couple?

Say your sister is married, and you want to name her and her husband as guardians. It may be wise to just appoint your sister. That way if they are no longer married, you won’t need to redo your will. 

Have a backup

It’s always good to have a backup plan, if your preferred choice is no longer able to care for your children, naming a backup guardian will allow the courts to fulfill your wishes.

Once you have selected the guardian(s) for your minor children, you need to:

Communicate to the person(s) you have selected and have it documented by completing your will. 

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