Kristian Murphy

Kristian Murphy

Regional Financial Advisor

Kristian has more than 10 years of experience in banking and financial services and is passionate about personal finance, wellness, and financial markets. Prior to joining the CU Financial Management team, he began his career working at major Canadian banks and a leading insurance-centered financial services company. With a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from St. Francis Xavier University, he is continuing his education and is a level III candidate in the CFA program.

Outside of work, you may find him at a theatre, watching a play or music concert, enjoying delicious Indian food, or spending time with his family and friends.

Based out of: Saint John, NB

Causes: Kristian is actively involved in the non-profit affordable housing sector, sitting on the board of Abbey St. Andrew Inc., a housing complex with a mission of providing quality, affordable housing to the diverse community.

Financial Planning Tip: Studies show that working closely with a trusted advisor increases the likelihood of achieving financial goals and building wealth over time.

