
Looking for some insights on your financial wellbeing?

Check out our calculators and see if you’re on track.

RRSP Calculator

Investing in a Registered Savings Plan can be one way to help plan your retirement.

Calculate to see how your investment today could grow over time.*

How often do you plan to contribute?

Protect your greatest asset

Are you sufficiently protected? Adjust your age, (net or gross) income, and retirement age to estimate your potential earnings before retirement. This can serve as a valuable guide in determining the level of insurance coverage you may need.

I am
years old.

I make
per year.

I plan to retire when I am
years old.

Want to learn more about risk management and insurance solutions designed to protect you and your family?*

Talk to an advisor about risk management

Are you on track to retire?

Adjust to your age, income (net or gross), invested amount, and savings to calculate if you’re on track to retire comfortably.*

I am
years old.

I make
per year.

I have

I save
per year.

Based on the assumption of a retirement age of 65, combined CPP & OAS of $16,675.00, a rate of return of 4%, and a life expectancy of 95