Types of investments

What is compound interest? “Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it.” – Albert Einstein. Time can...
What is diversification? Diversification is ensuring that your investments are not concentrated in a single area but are spread out over a broad variety of different asset classes....
What is the Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (FHSA)? The Canadian government created a new registered account to make saving for your first home easier. The First Home Savings Account (FHSA), which was announced...
What is the difference between registered and non-registered accounts? When you invest your money, it’s important to understand the different types of accounts you can open and contribute to. Deciding between registered and non-registered...
What's the difference between stocks and bonds? The investment world can often seem complex and overwhelming. Business analysts and news networks tend to use convoluted jargon such as “headwinds,” “dovetail” and “bullish.”...
What is an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)? ETFs are a low-cost investment vehicle that is growing in popularity among investors. Many people compare ETFs to mutual funds as it’s another way to...
What is a mutual fund? Mutual funds are a very popular investment vehicle that people use to diversify their portfolios and benefit from professional investment management. It’s important to understand...
What are the key features of an RDSP? There are various ways to invest in your long-term savings, and for Canadians with disabilities and their families, there is the option of a Registered...
Should I opt in to my employer's RRSP matching program? Clients often ask whether they should utilize their employer's RRSP matching program. This perk has the potential to significantly impact your financial future. The following...
What are RRSPs and TFSAs? RRSPs and TFSAs both have tax advantages that can help you achieve your financial goals. Both RRSPs and TFSAs allow your money to grow tax...
What are alternative investments? Alternative investments are continuing to grow in popularity. You may be curious if you should add them to your portfolio as part of your overall...
What is an RESP? A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) allows you to save tax-free towards post-secondary education. There are three different types of RESPs that you can open....
What is the difference between an FHSA, RRSP and a TFSA? When considering the First Home Savings Account, there are many questions about how it compares to an RRSP or a TFSA. Since these are all...
What is a GIC? This infographic defines what they are and outlines some reasons why you may consider adding GICs to your portfolio.What is a GIC? A GIC (Guaranteed...
What are the pros and cons of buying an income property? Buying an income property can be a great way to invest in real estate for the long term and generate a monthly income. Like any...